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What is your refund policy?


As with most online based companies, our refund policy is very straight forward. Since you cannot "return" what you have downloaded or viewed, we must operate on strict guidelines regarding refunds. However, we are a small company, and we try to be as fair as possible with our customers. It is our policy to try our hardest to give every member the best experience we can offer.

That said, we understand that problems can and do occur. We ask that if you have any problems with our sites, that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can try and resolve your issue(s). We must be made aware of your problem in order to try and help you. If we receive an email like, "I haven't been able to log in for 2 weeks", or "Your videos don't work on my computer" after you've been a member for a period of time, then that is not an acceptable reason for a refund. You must communicate with us as soon as you have a problem to give us a chance to rectify it.

We will generally issue a refund if:

  • You contact us within 24 hours of a forgotten rebill AND you stop all downloading / viewing of content at that point. We will check our logs to see your download history. Asking for a refund, then downloading or viewing a bunch of videos is not acceptable. At any time beyond 24 hours, we will not refund your account. Our rebilling and cancellation terms are very clear.
  • Our sites are down for an extended period of time. Problems can occur, and we understand that. Generally, we will offer you a substantial increase of your membership time in lieu of a refund, but will refund your account in some instances.
  • Fraud. We will issue a refund if you contact us with a fraudulent signup claim. However, we will also document the signup information, and login information, and will contact the proper authorities, if necessary. Since fraud is illegal, we want to ensure that every instance is investigated.

We will not issue a refund for any of the following reasons:

  • You forgot to cancel your membership. You can cancel your membership at ANY time after you join, so forgetting to cancel is not a viable excuse. In addition, we make cancelling your membership very easy, with a contact page on virtually every page on our sites with direct links to cancel your membership.
  • You didn't like the content or were not pleased with the site. We do not offer free trials for our sites, and each tour is thorough and represents what each site contains. We do not mislead our members with fake tours, so there should be no reason to "not like" our content.
  • Your password does not work. There are many reasons why your password does not work, and all of them can be fixed with a simple support request. If your specific case is more difficult, then we can address that at the appropriate time. You must contact us right away if your password stops working, or you cannot gain access to the members area.
  • You cannot get the videos to work. We strive to make sure the videos work on all platforms, and if you have a technical problem we can address it right away. However, you must contact us as soon as you realize there is a problem so we can work to address it.
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Article details
Article ID: 5
Category: Billing Help
Date added: 19-Oct-2016 11:22am
Views: 2536
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (42)

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