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There are a lot of browsers these days with a ton of plugins and a myriad of anti-virus software that work to deliver you a safe internet experience. While we try to test out all of the most popular scenarios, some fly under the radar. With the recent Windows update to Windows 10 and the accompanying Edge browser, Microsoft introduced an actual bug that affects some users to see media subdomains from a members area.

Try Out a Different Browser

If you are having an issue seeing anything in our site, or something should feel "off", the first thing we would suggest is installing Google's Chrome web browser. It is fast, secure, and will provide you with the best user experience.

Here is a list of links to the latest web browsers, at present.‎

If any of those links don't work or you want more options, head over to as they always have the latest and greatest on their site of the most popular and secure browsers.


That didn't work, now what?

AVG Anti Virus is one of the most popular free anti-virus software products out there. Unfortunately, one of their releases has an issue with media subdomains, which is what we use to get our content to you as fast as possible. We won't suggest disabling your antivirus/anti-malware software, but perhaps try another.

Microsoft Security Essentials, for you Windows users, has been great for us for years. It's made by Windows and has been repeatedly acclaimed for its ability to completely remove a virus. It works without flaw with ours and most every members area that we've tested.

You do have some other free options, I won't link to them as we do not test them but you can try Google Panda, Avast, and Avira.

Still no luck?

I would say that only about .01% of our members do not solve their issue with trying the above two steps. So let's roll our sleeves up and figure this out. Either open a ticket or email us ( ) with the following:

  1. Screenshot of what you're experiencing in the members area. (If you are unfamiliar on how to make a screenshot, google "Snipping Tool" and you'll see a link to that will walk you through it.)
  2. Let us know what operating system you're using
  3. Which browser you are using
  4. Your browser version
  5. Any plugins you have added to your browser
  6. Any antivirus you have installed
  7. And any other thing you can think of that might help out. When in doubt, over inform us so we can take everything into consideration when trying to help solve this problem.
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Article details
Article ID: 10
Category: Members Area FAQ
Date added: 19-Oct-2016 11:41am
Views: 12610
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (102)

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