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How do I view the videos on my iPhone / Android?


When viewing our members area with an iPhone or an Android phone, it's probably best to use the mobile version of our site. Some phones may switch to the mobile version automatically, while others will require you to click the link at the top of the page to switch to the mobile version. 

Image 1 below shows where the link is to switch to our mobile version if you are viewing in full site mode.

If you are on a mobile device, but would prefer to view our site in the full site version, you can. You can simply stay in the full site display (or click the "view full site" link if you are in the mobile site). 

Image 2 below shows what the update page will look like on a mobile device in full site mode. Notice the links above the embedded video.

It is best to view our site in the mobile version if you are on a mobile device. If you would like to view it in mobile format, click the link as shown in Image 1, then simply click the update to view it. The video in the mobile version is already formatted to work with mobile devices and is optimized for mobile viewing.

Image 3 below shows the site in the mobile version. The updates appear in a linear style, and you must scroll down to see the other updates. If you tap the "View Menu" link near the top of the page, you can expand the mobile menu to select other options.

Image 4 below shows the site in the mobile version with the menu expanded to show the options available. Not all sites in the members area will have the same options in the menu.

(All images below are screen shots from an actual iPhone. The site has been tested in iOS and Android operating systems.)


001_thumb.jpg 002_thumb.jpg 003_thumb.jpg 004_thumb.jpg
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4



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Article details
Article ID: 9
Category: Members Area FAQ
Date added: 19-Oct-2016 11:32am
Views: 11897
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.9/5.0 (122)

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